Dear Church & friends of RCC.
In the past 13 years, God has used Marjolein and myself to establish and lead Rotterdam City Church. And in doing so, the Lord has done wonderful things. Healings, deliverances, salvations and much more. And together with you we have served the Lord, and we have always devoted ourselves with heart and soul to His work within His church. Over the years, we have consistently fought for the key points of our vision:
-Preaching the Gospel,
-The restoration in families,
-A church for all nations
- Discovering your destiny
But on this last point, discovering your destiny, a clearly new season has begun in our lives as well.
A new season where God has opened doors for us all over the world and has put us in contact with many national and international leaders with hundreds of churches to join them in breaking open cities and countries for the kingdom. This has been accompanied by a deep sense that the grace that rests upon our lives has changed from a local pastoral ministry to an international apostolic/prophetic calling.
We have also faced intense spiritual battles this year, including the passing of Vivi, 2 serious car accidents that could have been fatal to our family, churchsplits, etc. This battle reached its climax when our son Luca was admitted to the emergency room last week at Erasmus MC, this was the final straw for us…
We realized for some time that we were no longer able to fulfill the pastoral expectations that the congregation had.
So it is after a difficult time of deep prayer, deliberation and reflection that we have come to the decision that we will no longer continue with the Rotterdam City Church congregation. And that we will therefore stop all tasks and activities of the Church as of December 25th.
To prevent the Church from shutting down, we initially looked at various alternatives. We also considered a restart, or to let the Church continue under different leadership. Or to merge the Church with another existing Church.
But we didn't find the right connection nor the peace of the Lord in any of these options.
And so after intensive prayer and advice, we have decided to stop the Church as of December 25th and to guide you to other Churches that can take you further in God's plan for your life.
Who these congregations are can be different for everyone.
But because of our good contact with, among others, Skin, Rotterdam United, and the Rotterdam counsil of Pastors. We want to help where necessary to find a suitable place.
It is a decision that is not taken lightly, and has cost us many tears and heartache. But in which we have experienced the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
It is therefore with great gratitude to God but also with pain in our hearts that we will close a period of 13 years on December 25 this year. And this will be our last service / Christmas that we will celebrate together.
Marjolein, the children and I believe that it will also be a new season for you with many great new opportunities for growth and development.
We would also like to emphasize that we are grateful for each 1 of you.
And that would like to stay in relationship with you even after December 25th. So don't hesitate to contact us before and/or after that time. We also remain available for prayer and support as brothers and sisters, but no longer as pastors as of December 25.
So know that we are open to contact and prayer even after the church no longer exists. And as far as possible, we want to accompany you to other congregations in order to find your place in the body.
It won't be easy, but we trust in God's guidance and God's timing.
Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
We would like to end this year on a good and positive note.
And know that in God's plan all things always work for good.
Many blessings,
Nsongo & Marjolein
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